Despite the criticism and controversies, OnlyFans became one of the fastest-growing social media platforms and one of the best-performing companies in Europe. The number of content creators and their posts on the platform has also surged, reaching record highs this year.
According to data presented by OnlyAccounts.io, OnlyFans creators posted almost 200 million pieces of content between January and July, or 58% more than in the same period a year ago.
Monthly Number of Content Posts Surged by 70% YoY to 35M in July
The last few years have seen a surging demand for OnlyFans content, but 2023 might set a new record. According to the OnlyFans transparency report, last year, the platform saw an average of 20 million pieces of posted content each month, with September and October as the peak months. However, the number of content posts started significantly rising in 2023. After standing at roughly 23 million in January and February, this figure jumped to 28.3 million in April and continued rising.
Statistics show OnlyFans saw nearly 35 million pieces of posted content in July, the highest number to date, and a massive 70% increase compared to the same period last year. Overall, OnlyFans content creators posted 200 million pieces of content in the seven months of 2023, up from 125.8 million reported in the same period a year ago.
More than 900,000 New Creator Accounts in Seven Months
Despite the general thinking that most OnlyFans creators make six-figure earnings, only a handful of people earn a lot from posting the content on the platform. Still, requests for new content creator accounts continue to rise.
The OnlyFans transparency report showed the platform saw an eye-popping 2.6 million creator accounts requests in seven months of 2023, but only one-third of them were approved. Statistics show the platform approved 909,000 new creator accounts between January and July, or 52% more than in the same period a year ago.
Statistics also show OnlyFans deactivated 193,900 creator accounts in this period, and preventing fraud was the number one reason.