a_levi_moore on onlyfans
onlyfans.com > @a_levi_moore
Liczba polubień: 573 573
Cena dla subskrybentów: 30.00 $30.00
Liczba filmów: 17 17
Liczba zdjęć: 24 24

@A_levi_moore OnlyFans profile, photos and links

In the spirit of pandemic induced destitution and the booming online sex work industry, I decided to make this page. You'll find the expected smut on my feed: 1-5 minute trailers of longer videos, as well as photos. All are uncensored. More importantly, however, I share my heart. There are excerpts from journal entries, passages from/ responses to books I'm reading, impassioned rants, and maybe even a snippet of a video wherein I perform the entirety of Weird Al's "White and Nerdy". I have a bad case of shrinking violet syndrome in my real life; here, I strive to show my full self.
This space is a respite from the world. My ideal sub is friendly (if you'd like to reach out/get to know each other, my inbox is open) and a grown ass adult unimpressed by most porn. I've become tired of watching videos where a person's moans are disjointed from what's happening to their body. I decided I'd create the porn I want to see- and I must admit, I get a bit bothered while editing 😅

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